Top Social Media Agency
Social media is the perfect tool for engaging with your customers. It’s no wonder more companies are reaching out to social media agencies for assistance creating strategies and executing campaigns. The terms strategy and campaign may not be common when speaking about social media. However, these terms simply mean that you’ve created a measurable goal and an objective for your activities on social.
Social Media for Business
Most people are performing searches online prior to purchasing a product or a service. As a result, they are able to see reviews, ratings and your social media presence. The company with the best reviews and the most recent social posts will likely win the sale. This is where THP comes into the picture. We have a team of experts here that will manage your top 3 social media accounts for you.
Social Media Strategy
You may have the personal to handle your social media accounts but lack the creativity to create an effective social media strategy. Our team of social media managers will assist you in creating a detailed strategy that will drive traffic to your website, create more brand awareness and grow your social media audience.
When developing a strategy we will set measurable goals that will allow us to determine if our objective was met and if the campaign was successful. Some example objectives would be a 25% increase in web traffic, 5000 new subscribers to your mail list or 3000 new followers on your social media account.
After developing an iron clad social media strategy you must commit to the time it will take to post regularly an engage with your audience. This is where things usually start to fall apart. Creating the plan is half the battle and executing the plan is the other half. THP will create a strategy for you and execute it with precision.
Social Media Management
As a social media management agency, our team of experts has a tested and effective method for managing social media accounts. We begin the process by consulting with you and developing a community management guide that serves as our instruction manual on how to work best with your clients regarding tone and engagement level. The social media management guide also provides direction on how to resolve any issues should they arise. For example, if a customer leaves a bad review or makes a negative post, the guide will direct us on how to handle that issue. The guide will also set the number of times we post per week for each account. Top social media agencies are hard to find. Cue, THP Creates.
5 Benefits of using Social Media for Business
Social media will benefit any business that provides an excellent service or product and values their customers.
1. Social Media connects businesses with customers on a personal level
One of the great benefits of social media is it breaks down the walls between you and your customer. Instead of talking at them, you’re talking to them.
2. Build Your Authenticity and Reputation
Maintaining an active social presence can greatly boost your brand’s authority and reputation.
Everything you do, from your interactions to the content you post, to the reviews customers leave for your products/services, reflects back on your brand identity as a whole. Social media is a great way to build solid, positive associations to your company.
3. Grow your audience, Increase Traffic, Boost Sales
Once you build a great reputation with the help of social media, this can lead to boosted sales as your brand becomes better known and trusted.
4. Create Another Advertising Channel
To sum everything up, social media is an exceptional way to get word out about your brand, products, services, and more. It gives you one more channel for promotion and advertising, and much of the rewards will come organically with the right approach.
Top Social Media Agencies
If you need another avenue for promotion and connecting with customers, you need to get on social media. The best social media agencies think strategically to grow your business and increase your bottom line.
Affordable Social Media Agency
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THP, Social Media Marketing Toronto
We also offer social media management services in Los Angeles, throughout the US, and in the UK.
301-349 Carlaw Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, M4M 2T1